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Golden hour portraits with Isabel and Amy


Updated: Jul 23, 2020

When Isabel was visiting Amy in Bend a few weeks ago we made time for beer, laughs, adventures, portraits, and some good ol’ fashion “where do we want to be in 5 years” career talk.

I had just found out I was losing my job, and Isabel was thinking about where to take her career in the biotechnology industry. Right now she’s working on engineering & development of next-generation CRISPR molecules to advance the way we approach repairing genetic disorders.

Next up for Isabel: grad school applications and then hopefully a PhD one day. So proud to call her a friend and can’t wait to see where her career takes her, especially as a woman of color taking on leadership and making change in science!

Camera settings: Shooting with my Sony Alpha 6500 and my Sony 16-35 F2.8 lens. Met up with Amy & Isabel at a local park here in Bend around 5:30pm. Shooting at this time of day allows you to keep the sun behind your subjects at a nice angle for backlight and for keeping faces bright. Using F2.8 to get some good bokah for portraits and ISO 125 to keep the images from blowing out and getting too bright. Adjusting my lens from 20mm-35mm based on distance and keeping my shutter speed fast from 1/500 to 1/1250 as needed for light.

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